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Dec 29 Lessons and Carols
Dec 22, 2024
Nov 30 & Dec 1 2024
Nov 23 & 24, 2024
Oct. 26, 2024
THE SONSHINERS is an “over 50” (senior) group that was formed in October 2010. This lively and enthusiastic group of couples and singles meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Church.
In addition to sharing lunch together, a different program is presented each month, followed by a short business meeting when required. Informative speakers, entertainment, day trips, as well as outreach opportunities within and outside the church, are scheduled for this year. Look for information on the next monthly luncheon and plan on attending and enjoying good food, fun, and fellowship.
Several of our members are college students who are preparing for their future. They continue to remain in our hearts and prayers.
During the times of college breaks, students who are home are invited to serve as worship participants if they so choose.
Care packages are sent to our college students as they are preparing for finals. These packages are put together by Harrold Zion’s Youth and Family Committee.
The Men’s Prayer Group meets in the Church’s social hall on the second Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM.
During these gatherings, a continental breakfast is served, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
All men of the congregation are encouraged to join for a time of fellowship, prayer, and meaningful discussion.
The group is deeply involved in the life of the church and actively participates in community outreach. Some of their notable efforts are supporting children in need during the Christmas season, ensuring that these children experience the joy and love of the holiday. They also partner with the Union Mission for Men in providing
needed items.
It is our joy to welcome the baptized to the Lord’s family.
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are freed from sin, reborn as children of God, receive the promises of inheritors of eternal life and given the name Child of God.
By baptism we become members of the church which is the body of Christ. Because of God’s unfailing love and grace, a person is only baptized once.
As Lutherans, we predominantly baptize children. However, it is not uncommon to welcome older children and adults to the Lord’s family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
You are welcome to include sponsors in the life of the one to be baptized. The sponsors walk with the baptized in their life of faith and support them as they grow in the life of the Church and participate in its mission in the world. To a schedule a baptism, please contact the Parish Office at 724-837-7327.
Distribution of the Sacrament to the Sick and Homebound
Each of our homebound members receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion which is brought to them by members of the congregation. The bread and wine which is consecrated during worship is received by those involved in this ministry and taken into the residence of our sick and homebound. This is an extension of our worship and continues to include our sick and homebound as vital members of this parish.
Christmas Caroling
On a Sunday afternoon prior to Christmas, members of the church Christmas carol to all of our homebound members to lift their spirits, celebrate the joy of the season, and let them know that they are appreciated and loved.
Other areas of service
There are many other areas of service within the church, be it volunteering for a specific ministry where an individual can share their talents, to those who participate within the leadership of our worship services.
If you have any questions concerning service to the church, please contact the pastor at 724-837-7327.
Helping Hands
Individuals provide a luncheon following the funeral of a church member. Those who attend are welcomed by those assigned to set up and prepare the meal during this time of loss. In addition to those who prepare and serve the lunch, members of the church are often contacted to provide food dishes such as salads and desserts.
Provide Meals
When someone in the church is ill, has returned home from the hospital and is recuperating, celebrate the birth of their new child, or for various other reasons, members of the church help by providing meals at home during their difficult time. The coordinator of this ministry seeks and contacts members who provide the meals for a period of time determined by the recipient of the meals and the coordinator.
Prayer Chain
More than forty members of the church participate in this ministry which provides prayer for those who request it due to various situations in their lives. Those who pray receive the request either by email or by phone every Sunday evening. Often times other requests are received throughout the week.
Every June, a large and dynamic Vacation Bible School is held for one week. Each year, as the children rotate to various stations each day, they get excited learning Bible stories and of God’s great love of us. Crafts, music, lessons, snack, recreation and more await each participant!
As children or adults, it is our joy to welcome you to the Lord’s family!
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are freed from sin, reborn as children of God, and receive the promises of inheritors of eternal life. By baptism we become members of the church which is the body of Christ. Because of God’s unfailing love and grace, a person is only baptized once.
You are welcome to include sponsors in the life of the one to be baptized. The sponsors walk with the baptized in their life of faith and support them as they grow in the life of the Church and participate in its mission in the world.
To a schedule a baptism, please contact the Parish Office at 724-837-7327
“It is taught among us that the true body and blood of Christ are really present in the Supper of our Lord under the form of bread and wine and are there distributed and received.” (Augsburg Confession)
“Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you…..He took the cup, after supper, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, ‘ Drink of it, all of you. This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ ” (1 Corinthians 11:24-25)
Christ calls us to the table of the Lord and gathers us as his people. Through the body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine, we receive the forgiveness of sin and the joy of the hope of eternal life where we gather around the heavenly feast.
Communion is open to all who are baptized and believe. Children who have completed instruction will receive their First Communion and are welcome to the table. Children who do not receive communion are invited to come forward to receive a blessing.
Those whom God has joined together….
Weddings are a special time of celebration at Harrold Zion. It is a sacred time and all that is a part of the wedding ceremony reflects such a time in this sacred space. As stated in the marriage service, the scriptures teach us that the bond and covenant of marriage is a gift of God, a holy mystery in which two become one flesh, and an image of the union of Christ and the Church.
Those who have any questions or would like to marry at Harrold Zion are welcome to contact the church (724-837-7327) at least three months in advance of the wedding date. The couple will meet three times with the pastor to plan the marriage service. As you plan the time of your wedding and reception, it is important to know that weddings at Harrold Zion can begin no later than 3:00 PM due to the 5:00 PM Saturday evening service. Easter weekend is a closed period for weddings due to the solemnity of those days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday).
If you would like to receive the guidelines concerning weddings at Harrold Zion, please call our Parish Secretary at 724-837-7327 or click to send email.
The Church mourns with those who mourn as we remember one’s passing in this time on earth. During the Rite of Christian Burial, we thank God for the one who has entered eternal life and entrust our brother or sister into the hands and keeping of God. We commit one into God’s keeping and in the knowledge that we are marked with the cross of Christ forever, we trust in the hope of the resurrection to eternal life.
The family will meet with the pastor to plan the service, choose hymns and lessons that will have meaning for the one for whom we give thanks and for those who grieve and mourn. Family and friends are welcome to participate as readers of scripture and Communion Assistants.
For more information on either of these Rites of the Church, please call the Church Office at 724-837-7327.
In addition to our weekend worship services, there are also many opportunities to worship throughout the seasons of the church.
Ash Wednesday
7:00 AM – This one half hour service is designed for those on their way to work, school or those who prefer this time of day. This spoken service includes Confession, Imposition of Ashes, Scripture, Prayers, and Sacrament of Holy Communion.
12:00 Noon – This 40 minute service welcomes those who choose to worship at this time of day and those who choose to worship during their lunch hour. The service includes a hymn, Confession, Imposition of Ashes, Scriptures, brief Homily, Prayers, and Sacrament of Holy Communion.
7:00 PM – This service is the traditional Ash Wednesday Liturgy and includes hymns, participation of our choir, scriptures, sermon, prayers, Sacrament of Holy Communion and the singing of the liturgy.
Midweek Lenten Services
6:45 PM each Wednesday. We gather for a time of hymns, Confession, Bible Study,
prayers and contemplation. These 45 minute services have also welcomed other
congregations in Taizé
worship service, along with participation of choruses and other musicians from area colleges.
Holy Thursday
11:00 AM – This service includes hymns, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, spoken liturgy, sermon, and additional music. We welcome our home bound members to this service and transportation to those who need it.
7:00 PM – This service follows the traditional liturgy for Holy Thursday with hymns, scripture, sermon, Sacrament of Holy Communion, First Communions, and the Stripping of the Altar.
Good Friday
7:00 PM – This service ranges from Tenebrae (candlelight service of darkness) to The Stations of the Cross, all of which focus on the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of Our Lord
7:00, 8:45, and 10:30 AM – These three identical festive services include full liturgy, brass, choirs, hymns, scriptures, Sacrament of Holy Communion, and Sermon all which proclaim that “the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed!”
7:00 PM the Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving. We gather together at this service to give thanks to God through hymns, prayers, liturgy and sermon, anthems and Holy Communion.
Christmas Pew Communion Service
11:00 AM – This service is held the Thursday before Christmas Eve and welcomes those who may not be able to worship with us on Christmas Eve. This service includes hymns, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, spoken liturgy, sermon, candle lighting, and anthem. We welcome our home bound members to this service and transportation to those who need it.
Longest Night/Blue Christmas
December 21 – 7:00 PM – recognizes that while Christmas is a time associated with gatherings of family and friends, of smiles and laughter for others the holiday season brings times of sadness, grief, sorrow, illness, job loss, and changes of life. We join others on the longest night of the year and find we are not alone. Those in attendance will hear God’s promise that he is with us in times of grief, loneliness, fear, and struggles.
Christmas Eve
4:30 PM – We welcome you to celebrate the Christ Child at this service. This service is designed for families and children. The entire congregation participates in the proclamation of the birth of the Christ Child. The service includes The Sacrament of Holy Communion and candle lighting during the singing of Silent Night.
7:00 and 10:00 PM – We welcome the Christ Child through carols and reading of the Christmas Story, anthems and brass, Sacrament of Holy Communion, and traditional candle lighting during the singing of
Silent Night.
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday – 8:00 and 10:30 AM (10:30 AM is streamed online via our Facebook page)
Pet Blessing
Harrold Zion hosts its annual blessing on the Sunday closest to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4) who called each pet his brother and sister. On that day the community of adults and children gathers with their pets to give thanks to God for the gift of our pets as we bless each one individually. Dogs, cats, hermit crabs, goats, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, and even horses have gathered and have joined their voices in praise of their creator.
Ash Wednesday
7:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM
Holy Thursday
11:00 AM, 7:00 PM
Good Friday
7:00 PM
7:00 AM, 8:45 AM, 10:30 AM
Thanksgiving Service
Tuesday before Thanksgiving – 7:00 PM
Christmas Eve
4:00 PM – Family Worship Services
7:00 and 10:00 PM – Candlelight Carol Services